Welcome to Horsefeathers Tiny Ranch

I’m Ashley and these are some of my milk goats who provide the main ingredient for our all-natural goat milk soap. The one in the front is Gertrude. She is one of the sweetest goats I’ve met. She gets to free range in the daytime and at night she sleeps in our barn with her goat friends.

We moved to Colorado a few years ago, searching for a different lifestyle, one that would provide me with a healthier way of living and one that would allow me to give back to my community: making handmade soap is one way we do that.

I grew up with a variety of animals in my life. In addition to dogs and cats, I had horses, sheep, and emus and I learned to take care of animals by bottle-feeding calves whose mothers had abandoned them. One of my earliest encounters with goats was our pet goat, Butterfly. Butterfly was a triplet and her mother couldn’t nurse her so we took her in (literally, into our house), fed and coddled her, and even took her with us to our grandmother’s house when our parents were at work. I hold fond memories of Butterfly and she’s probably the reason I love goats so much.

Located in Southern Colorado under the shadows of the Wet Mountain Range, the Horsefeathers Tiny Ranch is home to a total of 7 goats, 10 ducks, one horse, and 35 chickens. I also garden and preserve fruits for yummy pies in the wintertime.

We strive to do right by our goats and present you with the finest handmade, all-natural, lightly scented goat soap. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy making it.